Optimizing Global Contrastive Loss with Small Batch Size (SogCLR) ================================================================================================================================ .. raw:: html
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Author**: Zhuoning Yuan, Tianbao Yang Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In this tutorial, you will learn how to train a self-supervised model by optimizing `Global Contrastive Loss `__ (GCLoss) on CIFAR10/CIFAR100. This version was implementated in PyTorch based on `moco's `__ codebase. It is recommended to run this notebook on a GPU-enabled environment, e.g., `Google Colab `__. For training **ImageNet-1K**, please refer to this Github `repo `__. **Reference** If you find this tutorial helpful in your work, please cite our `library paper `__ and the following papers: .. code-block:: RST @inproceedings{yuan2022provable, title={Provable stochastic optimization for global contrastive learning: Small batch does not harm performance}, author={Yuan, Zhuoning and Wu, Yuexin and Qiu, Zi-Hao and Du, Xianzhi and Zhang, Lijun and Zhou, Denny and Yang, Tianbao}, booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning}, pages={25760--25782}, year={2022}, organization={PMLR} } Install LibAUC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let's start with install our library here. In this tutorial, we will use the lastest version for LibAUC by using ``pip install -U``. .. container:: cell code .. code:: python !pip install -U libauc Importing LibAUC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Importing related packages .. container:: cell code .. code:: python import libauc from libauc.models import resnet50, resnet18 from libauc.datasets import CIFAR100 from libauc.optimizers import SogCLR from libauc.losses import GCLoss import torch import torchvision.transforms as transforms import torch.nn as nn import numpy as np import os,math,shutil Reproducibility ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following function ``set_all_seeds`` limits the number of sources of randomness behaviors, such as model intialization, data shuffling, etcs. However, completely reproducible results are not guaranteed across PyTorch releases [Ref]. .. container:: cell code .. code:: python def set_all_seeds(SEED): # REPRODUCIBILITY np.random.seed(SEED) torch.manual_seed(SEED) torch.cuda.manual_seed(SEED) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False Global Contrastive Loss ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Global Contrastive Loss (GCLoss) aims to maximize the similarity between an anchor image :math:`\mathbf{x}_i` and its corresponding positive image :math:`\mathbf{x}_i^{+}`, while minimizing the similarity between the anchor and a set of negative samples :math:`\mathbf{S}_i^{-}`. For GCLoss, negative samples are from full data instead of mini-batch data. For more details about the formulation of GCL, please refer to the `SogCLR `__ paper. Hyper-parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. container:: cell code .. code:: python # model: non-linear projection layer num_proj_layers=2 dim=256 mlp_dim=2048 # dataset: cifar100 data_name = 'cifar100' batch_size = 256 # optimizer weight_decay = 1e-6 init_lr=0.075 epochs = 200 warmup_epochs = 10 # dynamtic loss gamma = 0.9 temperature = 0.5 # path logdir = './logs/' logname = 'resnet18_cifar100' os.makedirs(os.path.join(logdir, logname), exist_ok=True) Dataset Pipeline for Contrastive Learning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The dataset pipeline presented here is different from standard pipelines. Firstly, ``TwoCropsTransform`` generates two random augmented crops of a single image to construct pairwise samples, as opposed to just one random crop in standard pipeline. Secondly, the ``augmentation`` follows SimCLR's implementation. Lastly, ``libauc.datasets.CIFAR100`` returns the index of the image along with the image and its label. .. container:: cell code .. code:: python class TwoCropsTransform: """Take two random crops of one image.""" def __init__(self, base_transform1, base_transform2): self.base_transform1 = base_transform1 self.base_transform2 = base_transform2 def __call__(self, x): im1 = self.base_transform1(x) im2 = self.base_transform2(x) return [im1, im2] image_size = 32 mean = [0.4914, 0.4822, 0.4465] std = [0.2470, 0.2435, 0.2616] normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=mean, std=std) # SimCLR augmentations augmentation = [ transforms.RandomResizedCrop(image_size, scale=(0.08, 1.)), transforms.RandomApply([ transforms.ColorJitter(0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1) # Not strengthened ], p=0.8), transforms.RandomGrayscale(p=0.2), transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(), transforms.ToTensor(), normalize ] DATA_ROOT = './' train_dataset = libauc.datasets.CIFAR100( root=DATA_ROOT, train=True, download=True, return_index=True, transform=TwoCropsTransform( transforms.Compose(augmentation), transforms.Compose(augmentation) ) ) train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader( train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=4, drop_last=True ) Helper functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. container:: cell code .. code:: python def build_mlp(num_layers, input_dim, mlp_dim, output_dim, last_bn=True): mlp = [] for l in range(num_layers): dim1 = input_dim if l == 0 else mlp_dim dim2 = output_dim if l == num_layers - 1 else mlp_dim mlp.append(nn.Linear(dim1, dim2, bias=False)) if l < num_layers - 1: mlp.append(nn.BatchNorm1d(dim2)) mlp.append(nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) elif last_bn: # Follow SimCLR's design: # https://github.com/google-research/simclr/blob/master/model_util.py#L157 # For simplicity, we further removed gamma in BN mlp.append(nn.BatchNorm1d(dim2, affine=False)) return nn.Sequential(*mlp) def adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, epoch, init_lr=0.075): """Decays the learning rate with half-cycle cosine after warmup.""" if epoch < warmup_epochs: cur_lr = init_lr * epoch / warmup_epochs else: cur_lr = init_lr * 0.5 * (1. + math.cos(math.pi * (epoch - warmup_epochs) / (epochs - warmup_epochs))) for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = cur_lr return cur_lr def save_checkpoint(state, is_best, filename='checkpoint.pth.tar'): torch.save(state, filename) if is_best: shutil.copyfile(filename, 'model_best.pth.tar') def train(train_loader, model, loss_fn, optimizer, epoch, lr): model.train() iters_per_epoch = len(train_loader) for i, (images, _, index) in enumerate(train_loader): cur_lr = adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, epoch + i / iters_per_epoch, lr) images[0] = images[0].cuda() images[1] = images[1].cuda() with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(True): hidden1 = model(images[0]) hidden2 = model(images[1]) loss = loss_fn(hidden1, hidden2, index) optimizer.zero_grad() scaler.scale(loss).backward() scaler.step(optimizer) scaler.update() print(f'Epoch: {epoch}, Dynamtic Loss: {loss:.3f}') Creating Model & Optimizer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. container:: cell code .. code:: python set_all_seeds(123) # resNet-18 + 2-layer non-linear layers base_encoder = resnet18( pretrained=False, last_activation=None, num_classes=128 ) hidden_dim = base_encoder.fc.weight.shape[1] del base_encoder.fc # Remove original fc layer base_encoder.fc = build_mlp(num_proj_layers, hidden_dim, mlp_dim, dim) base_encoder.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False) base_encoder.maxpool = nn.Identity() model = base_encoder.cuda() # square root lr scaling lr = init_lr * math.sqrt(batch_size) # LARS optimizer optimizer = libauc.optimizers.SogCLR( base_encoder.parameters(), mode = 'lars', lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay, momentum=0.9 ) # Global Contrastive Loss loss_fn = GCLoss('unimodal', N=50000, tau=temperature, gamma=gamma, distributed=False) Pretraining ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. container:: cell code .. code:: python # mixed precision training scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler() print ('Pretraining') for epoch in range(epochs): #if epoch in [int(epochs)*0.5, int(epochs)*0.75]: # optimizer.update_regularizer() # train for one epoch train(train_loader, model, loss_fn, optimizer, epoch, lr) # save checkpoint if epoch % 10 == 0 or epochs - epoch < 3: save_checkpoint( {'epoch': epoch + 1, 'arch': 'resnet18', 'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict(), 'scaler': scaler.state_dict(), }, is_best=False, filename=os.path.join(logdir, logname, f'checkpoint_{epoch:04d}.pth.tar')) .. container:: output stream stdout :: Pretraining Epoch: 0, Dynamtic Loss: -0.466 Epoch: 1, Dynamtic Loss: -0.716 Epoch: 2, Dynamtic Loss: -0.851 Epoch: 3, Dynamtic Loss: -0.842 Epoch: 4, Dynamtic Loss: -0.928 Epoch: 5, Dynamtic Loss: -1.007 Epoch: 6, Dynamtic Loss: -1.031 Epoch: 7, Dynamtic Loss: -1.064 Epoch: 8, Dynamtic Loss: -1.056 Epoch: 9, Dynamtic Loss: -1.127 Epoch: 10, Dynamtic Loss: -1.136 Epoch: 11, Dynamtic Loss: -1.132 Epoch: 12, Dynamtic Loss: -1.118 Epoch: 13, Dynamtic Loss: -1.177 Epoch: 14, Dynamtic Loss: -1.140 Epoch: 15, Dynamtic Loss: -1.198 Epoch: 16, Dynamtic Loss: -1.217 Epoch: 17, Dynamtic Loss: -1.251 Epoch: 18, Dynamtic Loss: -1.216 Epoch: 19, Dynamtic Loss: -1.192 Epoch: 20, Dynamtic Loss: -1.248 Epoch: 21, Dynamtic Loss: -1.197 Epoch: 22, Dynamtic Loss: -1.294 Epoch: 23, Dynamtic Loss: -1.313 Epoch: 24, Dynamtic Loss: -1.239 Epoch: 25, Dynamtic Loss: -1.305 Epoch: 26, Dynamtic Loss: -1.259 Epoch: 27, Dynamtic Loss: -1.275 Epoch: 28, Dynamtic Loss: -1.287 Epoch: 29, Dynamtic Loss: -1.229 Epoch: 30, Dynamtic Loss: -1.272 Epoch: 31, Dynamtic Loss: -1.311 Epoch: 32, Dynamtic Loss: -1.272 Epoch: 33, Dynamtic Loss: -1.293 Epoch: 34, Dynamtic Loss: -1.274 Epoch: 35, Dynamtic Loss: -1.331 Epoch: 36, Dynamtic Loss: -1.352 Epoch: 37, Dynamtic Loss: -1.299 Epoch: 38, Dynamtic Loss: -1.319 Epoch: 39, Dynamtic Loss: -1.317 Epoch: 40, Dynamtic Loss: -1.327 Epoch: 41, Dynamtic Loss: -1.340 Epoch: 42, Dynamtic Loss: -1.334 Epoch: 43, Dynamtic Loss: -1.322 Epoch: 44, Dynamtic Loss: -1.350 Epoch: 45, Dynamtic Loss: -1.338 Epoch: 46, Dynamtic Loss: -1.311 Epoch: 47, Dynamtic Loss: -1.291 Epoch: 48, Dynamtic Loss: -1.329 Epoch: 49, Dynamtic Loss: -1.345 Epoch: 50, Dynamtic Loss: -1.376 Epoch: 51, Dynamtic Loss: -1.358 Epoch: 52, Dynamtic Loss: -1.315 Epoch: 53, Dynamtic Loss: -1.355 Epoch: 54, Dynamtic Loss: -1.330 Epoch: 55, Dynamtic Loss: -1.346 Epoch: 56, Dynamtic Loss: -1.379 Epoch: 57, Dynamtic Loss: -1.375 Epoch: 58, Dynamtic Loss: -1.376 Epoch: 59, Dynamtic Loss: -1.353 Epoch: 60, Dynamtic Loss: -1.340 Epoch: 61, Dynamtic Loss: -1.387 Epoch: 62, Dynamtic Loss: -1.356 Epoch: 63, Dynamtic Loss: -1.370 Epoch: 64, Dynamtic Loss: -1.364 Epoch: 65, Dynamtic Loss: -1.344 Epoch: 66, Dynamtic Loss: -1.380 Epoch: 67, Dynamtic Loss: -1.410 Epoch: 68, Dynamtic Loss: -1.428 Epoch: 69, Dynamtic Loss: -1.377 Epoch: 70, Dynamtic Loss: -1.408 Epoch: 71, Dynamtic Loss: -1.420 Epoch: 72, Dynamtic Loss: -1.398 Epoch: 73, Dynamtic Loss: -1.395 Epoch: 74, Dynamtic Loss: -1.409 Epoch: 75, Dynamtic Loss: -1.361 Epoch: 76, Dynamtic Loss: -1.396 Epoch: 77, Dynamtic Loss: -1.371 Epoch: 78, Dynamtic Loss: -1.373 Epoch: 79, Dynamtic Loss: -1.406 Epoch: 80, Dynamtic Loss: -1.407 Epoch: 81, Dynamtic Loss: -1.437 Epoch: 82, Dynamtic Loss: -1.425 Epoch: 83, Dynamtic Loss: -1.375 Epoch: 84, Dynamtic Loss: -1.405 Epoch: 85, Dynamtic Loss: -1.372 Epoch: 86, Dynamtic Loss: -1.417 Epoch: 87, Dynamtic Loss: -1.458 Epoch: 88, Dynamtic Loss: -1.399 Epoch: 89, Dynamtic Loss: -1.433 Epoch: 90, Dynamtic Loss: -1.442 Epoch: 91, Dynamtic Loss: -1.423 Epoch: 92, Dynamtic Loss: -1.426 Epoch: 93, Dynamtic Loss: -1.443 Epoch: 94, Dynamtic Loss: -1.454 Epoch: 95, Dynamtic Loss: -1.426 Epoch: 96, Dynamtic Loss: -1.437 Epoch: 97, Dynamtic Loss: -1.478 Epoch: 98, Dynamtic Loss: -1.425 Epoch: 99, Dynamtic Loss: -1.452 Epoch: 100, Dynamtic Loss: -1.453 Epoch: 101, Dynamtic Loss: -1.485 Epoch: 102, Dynamtic Loss: -1.441 Epoch: 103, Dynamtic Loss: -1.446 Epoch: 104, Dynamtic Loss: -1.400 Epoch: 105, Dynamtic Loss: -1.448 Epoch: 106, Dynamtic Loss: -1.433 Epoch: 107, Dynamtic Loss: -1.406 Epoch: 108, Dynamtic Loss: -1.436 Epoch: 109, Dynamtic Loss: -1.460 Epoch: 110, Dynamtic Loss: -1.488 Epoch: 111, Dynamtic Loss: -1.463 Epoch: 112, Dynamtic Loss: -1.502 Epoch: 113, Dynamtic Loss: -1.504 Epoch: 114, Dynamtic Loss: -1.443 Epoch: 115, Dynamtic Loss: -1.395 Epoch: 116, Dynamtic Loss: -1.487 Epoch: 117, Dynamtic Loss: -1.472 Epoch: 118, Dynamtic Loss: -1.446 Epoch: 119, Dynamtic Loss: -1.484 Epoch: 120, Dynamtic Loss: -1.438 Epoch: 121, Dynamtic Loss: -1.494 Epoch: 122, Dynamtic Loss: -1.490 Epoch: 123, Dynamtic Loss: -1.464 Epoch: 124, Dynamtic Loss: -1.490 Epoch: 125, 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184, Dynamtic Loss: -1.504 Epoch: 185, Dynamtic Loss: -1.527 Epoch: 186, Dynamtic Loss: -1.525 Epoch: 187, Dynamtic Loss: -1.541 Epoch: 188, Dynamtic Loss: -1.535 Epoch: 189, Dynamtic Loss: -1.501 Epoch: 190, Dynamtic Loss: -1.530 Epoch: 191, Dynamtic Loss: -1.529 Epoch: 192, Dynamtic Loss: -1.527 Epoch: 193, Dynamtic Loss: -1.521 Epoch: 194, Dynamtic Loss: -1.523 Epoch: 195, Dynamtic Loss: -1.514 Epoch: 196, Dynamtic Loss: -1.501 Epoch: 197, Dynamtic Loss: -1.535 Epoch: 198, Dynamtic Loss: -1.532 Epoch: 199, Dynamtic Loss: -1.507 Linear Evaluation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ By default, we use momentum-SGD without weight decay and a batch size of 1024 for linear classification on frozen features/weights. In this stage, it runs 90 epochs. Configurations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. container:: cell code .. code:: python # dataset image_size = 32 batch_size = 1024 num_classes = 100 # cifar100 # optimizer epochs = 90 init_lr = 0.075 weight_decay = 0 # checkpoint checkpoint_dir = '/content/logs/resnet18_cifar100/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar' Dataset pipeline ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. container:: cell code .. code:: python mean = [0.4914, 0.4822, 0.4465] std = [0.2470, 0.2435, 0.2616] normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=mean, std=std) train_dataset = libauc.datasets.CIFAR100(root=DATA_ROOT, train=True, download=True, transform=transforms.Compose([transforms.RandomResizedCrop(32), transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(), transforms.ToTensor(), normalize,])) val_dataset = libauc.datasets.CIFAR100(root=DATA_ROOT, train=False,download=True, transform=transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor(), normalize,])) train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=4) val_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=4) Helper functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. container:: cell code .. code:: python def accuracy(output, target, topk=(1,)): """Computes the accuracy over the k top predictions for the specified values of k""" with torch.no_grad(): maxk = max(topk) batch_size = target.size(0) _, pred = output.topk(maxk, 1, True, True) pred = pred.t() correct = pred.eq(target.view(1, -1).expand_as(pred)) res = [] for k in topk: correct_k = correct[:k].reshape(-1).float().sum(0, keepdim=True) res.append(correct_k.mul_(100.0 / batch_size)) return res def adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, epoch, init_lr=0.075): """Decay the learning rate based on schedule""" cur_lr = init_lr * 0.5 * (1. + math.cos(math.pi * (epoch - warmup_epochs) / (epochs - warmup_epochs))) for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = cur_lr def train(train_loader, model, criterion, optimizer, epoch): model.eval() for i, (images, target) in enumerate(train_loader): images = images.float().cuda() target = target.long().cuda() output = model(images) loss = criterion(output, target) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() def validate(val_loader, model, criterion): model.eval() acc1_list = [] acc5_list = [] with torch.no_grad(): for i, (images, target) in enumerate(val_loader): images = images.float().cuda() target = target.long().cuda() output = model(images) acc1, acc5 = accuracy(output, target, topk=(1, 5)) acc1_list.append(acc1) acc5_list.append(acc5) acc1_array = torch.stack(acc1_list) acc5_array = torch.stack(acc5_list) return torch.mean(acc1_array), torch.mean(acc5_array) Define model ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. container:: cell code .. code:: python set_all_seeds(123) # ResNet-18 + classification layer model = resnet18(pretrained=False, last_activation=None, num_classes=128) hidden_dim = model.fc.weight.shape[1] del model.fc model.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, num_classes, bias=True) # cifar head for resnet18 model.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False) model.maxpool = nn.Identity() # load pretrained checkpoint excluding non-linear layers linear_keyword = 'fc' checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_dir, map_location="cpu") state_dict = checkpoint['state_dict'] for k in list(state_dict.keys()): if linear_keyword in k: del state_dict[k] msg = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False) print ('Linear Classifier Variables: %s'%(msg.missing_keys)) # cuda model = model.cuda() # freeze all layers but the last fc for name, param in model.named_parameters(): if name not in ['%s.weight' % linear_keyword, '%s.bias' % linear_keyword]: param.requires_grad = False # init the fc layer getattr(model, linear_keyword).weight.data.normal_(mean=0.0, std=0.01) getattr(model, linear_keyword).bias.data.zero_() # optimize only the linear classifier parameters = list(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters())) assert len(parameters) == 2 # weight, bias Define loss & optimizer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. container:: cell code .. code:: python # define loss function (criterion) and optimizer criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().cuda() # linear lr scaling lr = init_lr * batch_size / 256 optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(parameters, lr=lr, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=weight_decay) Training ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. container:: cell code .. code:: python # linear evaluation print ('Linear Evaluation') for epoch in range(epochs): adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, epoch, lr) # train for one epoch train(train_loader, model, criterion, optimizer, epoch) # evaluate on validation set acc1, acc5 = validate(val_loader, model, criterion) # log print ('Epoch: %s, Top1: %.2f, Top5: %.2f'%(epoch, acc1, acc5)) .. container:: output stream stdout :: Linear Evaluation Epoch: 0, Top1: 49.25, Top5: 81.33 Epoch: 1, Top1: 51.79, Top5: 82.66 Epoch: 2, Top1: 52.86, Top5: 83.64 Epoch: 3, Top1: 53.38, Top5: 84.51 Epoch: 4, Top1: 53.22, Top5: 84.41 Epoch: 5, Top1: 54.46, Top5: 84.61 Epoch: 6, Top1: 54.76, Top5: 85.17 Epoch: 7, Top1: 54.53, Top5: 84.90 Epoch: 8, Top1: 54.93, Top5: 85.01 Epoch: 9, Top1: 55.07, Top5: 85.55 Epoch: 10, Top1: 55.65, Top5: 85.41 Epoch: 11, Top1: 55.48, Top5: 85.69 Epoch: 12, Top1: 55.64, Top5: 85.57 Epoch: 13, Top1: 56.29, Top5: 85.84 Epoch: 14, Top1: 56.13, Top5: 85.53 Epoch: 15, Top1: 55.94, Top5: 85.93 Epoch: 16, Top1: 55.92, Top5: 85.99 Epoch: 17, Top1: 56.58, Top5: 86.02 Epoch: 18, Top1: 56.41, Top5: 85.83 Epoch: 19, Top1: 56.62, Top5: 86.17 Epoch: 20, Top1: 56.78, Top5: 86.25 Epoch: 21, Top1: 56.09, Top5: 85.70 Epoch: 22, Top1: 56.65, Top5: 85.69 Epoch: 23, Top1: 56.50, Top5: 85.96 Epoch: 24, Top1: 56.62, Top5: 86.07 Epoch: 25, Top1: 56.75, Top5: 86.05 Epoch: 26, Top1: 56.73, Top5: 85.95 Epoch: 27, Top1: 56.92, Top5: 86.06 Epoch: 28, Top1: 56.88, Top5: 86.02 Epoch: 29, Top1: 57.26, Top5: 86.10 Epoch: 30, Top1: 56.69, Top5: 86.10 Epoch: 31, Top1: 57.29, Top5: 86.24 Epoch: 32, Top1: 56.95, Top5: 86.18 Epoch: 33, Top1: 56.99, Top5: 86.20 Epoch: 34, Top1: 56.95, Top5: 86.14 Epoch: 35, Top1: 57.36, Top5: 86.40 Epoch: 36, Top1: 57.50, Top5: 86.50 Epoch: 37, Top1: 57.35, Top5: 86.63 Epoch: 38, Top1: 57.44, Top5: 86.12 Epoch: 39, Top1: 57.51, Top5: 86.09 Epoch: 40, Top1: 57.28, Top5: 86.27 Epoch: 41, Top1: 57.43, Top5: 86.04 Epoch: 42, Top1: 57.56, Top5: 86.30 Epoch: 43, Top1: 57.67, Top5: 86.04 Epoch: 44, Top1: 57.82, Top5: 86.33 Epoch: 45, Top1: 57.71, Top5: 86.34 Epoch: 46, Top1: 57.56, Top5: 86.46 Epoch: 47, Top1: 57.69, Top5: 86.25 Epoch: 48, Top1: 57.77, Top5: 86.36 Epoch: 49, Top1: 57.87, Top5: 86.32 Epoch: 50, Top1: 57.78, Top5: 86.14 Epoch: 51, Top1: 57.69, Top5: 86.31 Epoch: 52, Top1: 57.33, Top5: 86.31 Epoch: 53, Top1: 57.89, Top5: 86.37 Epoch: 54, Top1: 57.68, Top5: 86.15 Epoch: 55, Top1: 57.88, Top5: 86.24 Epoch: 56, Top1: 58.18, Top5: 86.25 Epoch: 57, Top1: 57.56, Top5: 86.45 Epoch: 58, Top1: 57.97, Top5: 86.46 Epoch: 59, Top1: 57.78, Top5: 86.18 Epoch: 60, Top1: 57.97, Top5: 86.37 Epoch: 61, Top1: 57.97, Top5: 86.28 Epoch: 62, Top1: 57.85, Top5: 86.30 Epoch: 63, Top1: 58.04, Top5: 86.39 Epoch: 64, Top1: 57.80, Top5: 86.40 Epoch: 65, Top1: 57.94, Top5: 86.61 Epoch: 66, Top1: 57.95, Top5: 86.46 Epoch: 67, Top1: 58.13, Top5: 86.52 Epoch: 68, Top1: 58.09, Top5: 86.45 Epoch: 69, Top1: 57.94, Top5: 86.51 Epoch: 70, Top1: 57.97, Top5: 86.44 Epoch: 71, Top1: 58.09, Top5: 86.46 Epoch: 72, Top1: 58.26, Top5: 86.63 Epoch: 73, Top1: 58.24, Top5: 86.42 Epoch: 74, Top1: 58.15, Top5: 86.42 Epoch: 75, Top1: 58.10, Top5: 86.55 Epoch: 76, Top1: 58.05, Top5: 86.58 Epoch: 77, Top1: 58.13, Top5: 86.54 Epoch: 78, Top1: 57.95, Top5: 86.51 Epoch: 79, Top1: 58.00, Top5: 86.52 Epoch: 80, Top1: 58.07, Top5: 86.56 Epoch: 81, Top1: 58.00, Top5: 86.50 Epoch: 82, Top1: 57.99, Top5: 86.50 Epoch: 83, Top1: 58.15, Top5: 86.57 Epoch: 84, Top1: 58.10, Top5: 86.53 Epoch: 85, Top1: 58.11, Top5: 86.56 Epoch: 86, Top1: 58.12, Top5: 86.51 Epoch: 87, Top1: 58.10, Top5: 86.51 Epoch: 88, Top1: 58.10, Top5: 86.52 Epoch: 89, Top1: 58.10, Top5: 86.51