Optimizing Global Contrastive Loss with SogCLR and Cosine Gamma Schedule ============================================================================ .. raw:: html
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Author**: Xiyuan Wei, Tianbao Yang Introduction ----------------------- In this tutorial, we compare the performance of SogCLR algorithm using cosine :math:`\gamma` decay schedule and constant schedule in a typical bimodal contrastive learning task. Previous algorithms optimizing the Global Contrastive Loss family (e.g., SogCLR and iSogCLR) sets :math:`\gamma` to a constant. In this tutorial, we compare the constant schedule with a cosine decay schedule: let :math:`e` be the current epoch, :math:`E` be the number of decay epochs and :math:`\gamma_{\mathrm{min}}` be the final value, then the value of :math:`\gamma` at this epoch is given by .. math:: \gamma = (1.0- \gamma_{\mathrm{min}}) * 0.5 * \cos(\pi * e / E) + \gamma_{\mathrm{min}}. Here :math:`E` is not necessarily equal to the number of training epochs, we recommend to set it to half of the number of training epochs. If :math:`e> E`, then :math:`\gamma` is set to :math:`\gamma_{\mathrm{min}}`. In pretraining stage, we use a subset of the `CC3M dataset `__, which contains about 300,000 image-text pairs. And then we evaluate the pretrained models via zero-shot image/text retrieval on `MS-COCO `__ dataset. We provide the metadata of the training subset and evluation set `here `__. This tutorial is forked from the `iSogCLR `__ tutorial. The experiment in this tutorial is conducted one 4 Nvidia A30 GPUs, you can modify the **CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES** option and **batch_size_train** option based on your equipments. **Reference** If you find this tutorial helpful in your work, please cite our `library paper `__. Importing required libs ----------------------- .. container:: cell code .. code:: python !pip install -U libauc !pip install timm !pip install transformers .. container:: cell code .. code:: python import os os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "true" os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = '6,7,8,9' # distributed training: '0,1,2,3' import re import argparse from pathlib import Path import json import os import random import math from functools import partial import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn from torch import optim import torchvision from torchvision import transforms from torch.utils.data import Dataset, Subset, DataLoader from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageFile ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = None import cv2 import numpy as np import timm from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer import libauc from libauc.losses.contrastive import GCLoss_v2 from libauc.optimizers import SogCLR from libauc.utils.paper_utils import CosineLRScheduler Arguments for experiments ----------------------- .. container:: cell code .. code:: python # path to data folder data_path = './datasets/cc3m' train_file = 'cc3m_subset_new.json' # model config image_encoder = 'resnet50' text_encoder = 'distilbert-base-uncased' image_res = 256 vision_width = 768 embed_dim = 256 seed = 42 # optimizer and schedular opt = 'adamW' lr = 3e-4 min_lr = 1e-5 warmup = True warmup_lr = 1e-5 weight_decay = 0.02 decay_rate = 1 epochs = 30 warmup_epochs = 20 cooldown_epochs = 0 # training & test settings batch_size_train = 256 batch_size_test = 512 k_test = 256 # output path output_dir = './output/' # AMP training use_amp = True # loss config temp = 0.01 # the temperature parameter for clip or sogclr n_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count() val_coco_file = 'coco_val_new.json' test_coco_file = 'coco_test_new.json' coco_image_root = './datasets/coco' Path(output_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) Define helper functions ----------------------- .. container:: cell code .. code:: python # we employ this function to preprocess the captions def pre_caption(caption, max_words): caption = re.sub( r"([,.'!?\"()*#:;~])", '', caption.lower(), ).replace('-', ' ').replace('/', ' ').replace('', 'person') caption = re.sub( r"\s{2,}", ' ', caption, ) caption = caption.rstrip('\n') caption = caption.strip(' ') #truncate caption caption_words = caption.split(' ') if len(caption_words)>max_words: caption = ' '.join(caption_words[:max_words]) return caption .. container:: cell code .. code:: python class train_set(Dataset): def __init__(self, ann_file, transform, image_root, max_words=30): self.ann = [] for f in ann_file: self.ann += json.load(open(f,'r')) self.transform = transform self.image_root = image_root self.max_words = max_words self.img_ids = {} n = 0 for ann in self.ann: img_id = ann['image_id'] if img_id not in self.img_ids.keys(): self.img_ids[img_id] = n n += 1 def __len__(self): return len(self.ann) def __getitem__(self, index): ann = self.ann[index] # image_path = os.path.join(self.image_root, ann['image']) image_path = ann['image'] image = Image.open(image_path).convert('RGB') image = self.transform(image) caption = pre_caption(ann['caption'], self.max_words) return image, caption, self.img_ids[ann['image_id']], index class eval_set(Dataset): def __init__(self, ann_file, transform, image_root, max_words=30): self.ann = json.load(open(ann_file,'r')) self.transform = transform self.image_root = image_root self.max_words = max_words self.text = [] self.image = [] self.txt2img = {} self.img2txt = {} txt_id = 0 for img_id, ann in enumerate(self.ann): self.image.append(ann['image']) self.img2txt[img_id] = [] # 'val2014/000000184613.jpg' image_path = os.path.join(self.image_root, ann['image'].split('/')[0], f"COCO_val2014_{ann['image'].split('/')[-1]}") ann['image'] = image_path for i, caption in enumerate(ann['caption']): self.text.append(pre_caption(caption,self.max_words)) self.img2txt[img_id].append(txt_id) self.txt2img[txt_id] = img_id txt_id += 1 def __len__(self): return len(self.image) def __getitem__(self, index): image_path = self.ann[index]['image'] image = Image.open(image_path).convert('RGB') image = self.transform(image) return image, index .. container:: cell code .. code:: python def add_weight_decay(model, weight_decay=1e-5, skip_list=()): decay = [] no_decay = [] for name, param in model.named_parameters(): if not param.requires_grad: continue # frozen weights if len(param.shape) == 1 or name.endswith(".bias") or name in skip_list: no_decay.append(param) else: decay.append(param) return [ {'params': no_decay, 'weight_decay': 0.}, {'params': decay, 'weight_decay': weight_decay}] def create_optimizer(model, opt, weight_decay=1e-5, filter_bias_and_bn=True): if weight_decay and filter_bias_and_bn: skip = {} if hasattr(model, 'no_weight_decay'): skip = model.no_weight_decay() parameters = add_weight_decay(model, weight_decay, skip) weight_decay = 0. else: parameters = model.parameters() opt_args = dict(lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay) optimizer = SogCLR(parameters, mode=opt, **opt_args) return optimizer .. container:: cell code .. code:: python def create_scheduler(optimizer): num_epochs = epochs lr_scheduler = CosineLRScheduler( optimizer, t_initial = num_epochs, t_mul = 1.0, lr_min = min_lr, decay_rate = decay_rate, warmup_lr_init = warmup_lr, warmup_t = warmup_epochs, cycle_limit = 1, t_in_epochs = True, noise_range_t = None, noise_pct = 0.67, noise_std = 1.0, noise_seed = 42, ) return lr_scheduler Reproducibility ----------------------- The following functions limit the number of sources of randomness behaviors, such as model intialization, data shuffling, etcs. .. container:: cell code .. code:: python # fix the seed for reproducibility torch.manual_seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) random.seed(seed) cudnn.benchmark = True Building the model ----------------------- .. container:: cell code .. code:: python # The following class includes the image encoder, text encoder and several objectives class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self, image_encoder = None, text_encoder = None, embed_dim = 256, init_model = True, bsz = 128, gamma = 0.9, # the coefficient for moving average estimator temp = 0.01, # temperature for clip or sogclr gamma_schedule = 'cosine', gamma_decay_epochs = 1, ): super().__init__() self.temp = temp self.visual_encoder = timm.create_model(image_encoder, pretrained=init_model) self.visual_encoder.reset_classifier(0) self.text_encoder = AutoModel.from_pretrained(text_encoder, local_files_only=False) if not init_model: self.text_encoder.init_weights() self.vision_proj = nn.Linear(self.visual_encoder.num_features, embed_dim) self.text_proj = nn.Linear(768, embed_dim) self.criterion = GCLoss_v2(tau=temp, gamma=gamma, enable_isogclr=False, gamma_schedule=gamma_schedule, gamma_decay_epochs=gamma_decay_epochs) def forward(self, image, text_ids, text_att_masks, idx, text_idx, epoch): image_embeds = self.visual_encoder(image) image_embeds = self.vision_proj(image_embeds) image_feat = F.normalize(image_embeds, dim=-1) text_output = self.text_encoder(text_ids, attention_mask=text_att_masks, output_hidden_states=False) text_embeds = self.text_proj(text_output.last_hidden_state[:,0,:]) text_feat = F.normalize(text_embeds, dim=-1) loss, info = self.criterion(image_feat, text_feat, idx) return loss, info Training functions ----------------------- .. container:: cell code .. code:: python print_freq = 50 # user can determine how many iterations to output (e.g., 50 by default) .. container:: cell code .. code:: python def epoch_train(model, data_loader, optimizer, tokenizer, epoch, max_epoch, warmup_steps, device, scheduler, grad_scaler): # train model.train() step_size = 100 warmup_iterations = warmup_steps * step_size if hasattr(model, 'module'): model_orig = model.module else: model_orig = model # adjust gamma based on gamma schedule if hasattr(model_orig.criterion, 'adjust_gamma'): model_orig.criterion.adjust_gamma(epoch) for i,(image, text, idx, text_idx) in enumerate(data_loader): optimizer.zero_grad() image = image.to(device, non_blocking=True) idx = idx.to(device, non_blocking=True) text_idx = text_idx.to(device, non_blocking=True) text_input = tokenizer(text, padding='max_length', truncation=True, max_length=30, return_tensors="pt").to(device) if grad_scaler is None: loss, info = model(image, text_input.input_ids, text_input.attention_mask, idx=idx, text_idx=text_idx, epoch=epoch) loss.mean().backward() optimizer.step() else: with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(): loss, info = model(image, text_input.input_ids, text_input.attention_mask, idx=idx, text_idx=text_idx, epoch=epoch) grad_scaler.scale(loss.mean()).backward() grad_scaler.step(optimizer) grad_scaler.update() if epoch==0 and i%step_size==0 and i<=warmup_iterations: scheduler.step(i//step_size) if i%print_freq == 0: lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] print("Epoch:", epoch, "iteration:", i, "lr:", lr, "loss:", loss.mean().item()) if info is not None: print("tau_img: %.4f, tau_txt: %.4f" % (info[0].mean(), info[1].mean())) Evaluation functions ----------------------- .. container:: cell code .. code:: python @torch.no_grad() def evaluation(model, data_loader, tokenizer, device): # test model.eval() print('Computing features for evaluation...') texts = data_loader.dataset.text num_text = len(texts) text_bs = 256 text_embeds = [] for i in range(0, num_text, text_bs): text = texts[i: min(num_text, i+text_bs)] text_input = tokenizer(text, padding='max_length', truncation=True, max_length=30, return_tensors="pt").to(device) text_output = model.text_encoder(text_input.input_ids, attention_mask=text_input.attention_mask, output_hidden_states=False) text_embed = F.normalize(model.text_proj(text_output.last_hidden_state[:,0,:]), dim=-1) text_embeds.append(text_embed) text_embeds = torch.cat(text_embeds,dim=0) image_embeds = [] for image, img_id in data_loader: image = image.to(device) image_feat = model.visual_encoder(image) image_embed = model.vision_proj(image_feat) image_embed = F.normalize(image_embed, dim=-1) image_embeds.append(image_embed) image_embeds = torch.cat(image_embeds,dim=0) sims_matrix = image_embeds @ text_embeds.t() score_matrix_i2t = torch.full((len(data_loader.dataset.image),len(texts)),-100.0).to(device) for i,sims in enumerate(sims_matrix): topk_sim, topk_idx = sims.topk(k=k_test, dim=0) score_matrix_i2t[i, topk_idx] = topk_sim sims_matrix = sims_matrix.t() score_matrix_t2i = torch.full((len(texts),len(data_loader.dataset.image)),-100.0).to(device) for i,sims in enumerate(sims_matrix): topk_sim, topk_idx = sims.topk(k=k_test, dim=0) score_matrix_t2i[i, topk_idx] = topk_sim return score_matrix_i2t.cpu().numpy(), score_matrix_t2i.cpu().numpy() @torch.no_grad() def itm_eval(scores_i2t, scores_t2i, txt2img, img2txt): #Images->Text ranks = np.zeros(scores_i2t.shape[0]) for index,score in enumerate(scores_i2t): inds = np.argsort(score)[::-1] # Score rank = 1e20 for i in img2txt[index]: tmp = np.where(inds == i)[0][0] if tmp < rank: rank = tmp ranks[index] = rank # Compute metrics tr1 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 1)[0]) / len(ranks) tr5 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 5)[0]) / len(ranks) tr10 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 10)[0]) / len(ranks) #Text->Images ranks = np.zeros(scores_t2i.shape[0]) for index,score in enumerate(scores_t2i): inds = np.argsort(score)[::-1] ranks[index] = np.where(inds == txt2img[index])[0][0] # Compute metrics ir1 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 1)[0]) / len(ranks) ir5 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 5)[0]) / len(ranks) ir10 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 10)[0]) / len(ranks) tr_mean = (tr1 + tr5 + tr10) / 3 ir_mean = (ir1 + ir5 + ir10) / 3 r_mean = (tr_mean + ir_mean) / 2 eval_result = {'txt_r1': tr1, 'txt_r5': tr5, 'txt_r10': tr10, 'txt_r_mean': tr_mean, 'img_r1': ir1, 'img_r5': ir5, 'img_r10': ir10, 'img_r_mean': ir_mean, 'r_mean': r_mean} return eval_result Dataset Pipeline for Bimodal Contrastive Learning ----------------------- .. container:: cell code .. code:: python # set up the transformation, datasets and dataloaders train_transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.RandomResizedCrop(image_res, scale=(0.5, 1.0), interpolation=Image.BICUBIC), transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(), transforms.RandAugment(), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073), (0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711)), ]) test_transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize((image_res, image_res), interpolation=Image.BICUBIC), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073), (0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711)), ]) train_dataset = train_set([train_file], train_transform, data_path) val_coco_dataset = eval_set(val_coco_file, test_transform, coco_image_root) test_coco_dataset = eval_set(test_coco_file, test_transform, coco_image_root) print("len of train_dataset:", len(train_dataset)) print("len of coco val/test:", len(val_coco_dataset), len(test_coco_dataset)) train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size_train * n_gpus, num_workers=16, pin_memory=True, shuffle=True, drop_last=True, prefetch_factor=4) val_loader = DataLoader(val_coco_dataset, batch_size=batch_size_test, num_workers=16, pin_memory=True, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, prefetch_factor=12) test_loader = DataLoader(test_coco_dataset, batch_size=batch_size_test, num_workers=16, pin_memory=True, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, prefetch_factor=12) Pretraining and evaluation for SogCLR with Cosine Gamma ----------------------- For consine gamma schedule, we recommend setting **gamma_decay_epochs** to 50% of the number of training epochs. .. container:: cell code .. code:: python gamma = 0.2 # the parameter for the moving average estimator in sogclr/isogclr gamma_schedule = "cosine" gamma_decay_epochs = epochs // 2 # create the model and wrap it in DDP tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(text_encoder, local_files_only=False) model = Model(image_encoder=image_encoder, text_encoder=text_encoder, embed_dim=embed_dim, init_model=True, bsz=batch_size_train, gamma=gamma, temp=temp, gamma_schedule=gamma_schedule, gamma_decay_epochs=gamma_decay_epochs) model = model.cuda() .. container:: cell code .. code:: python if n_gpus > 1: print("Using", n_gpus, "GPUs") model = nn.DataParallel(model) .. container:: cell code .. code:: python # set up the optimizer and objective function optimizer = create_optimizer(model, opt, weight_decay) lr_scheduler = create_scheduler(optimizer) if use_amp: grad_scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler() else: grad_scaler = None # training loop for epoch in range(0, epochs): train_stats = epoch_train(model, train_loader, optimizer, tokenizer, epoch, epochs, warmup_epochs, torch.device('cuda'), lr_scheduler, grad_scaler) # evaluate the model on ms-coco data try: score_val_i2t_coco, score_val_t2i_coco = evaluation(model.module, val_loader, tokenizer, torch.device('cuda')) score_test_i2t_coco, score_test_t2i_coco = evaluation(model.module, test_loader, tokenizer, torch.device('cuda')) except: # for non-distributed training score_val_i2t_coco, score_val_t2i_coco = evaluation(model, val_loader, tokenizer, torch.device('cuda')) score_test_i2t_coco, score_test_t2i_coco = evaluation(model, test_loader, tokenizer, torch.device('cuda')) print("Epoch:", epoch) val_result_coco = itm_eval(score_val_i2t_coco, score_val_t2i_coco, val_loader.dataset.txt2img, val_loader.dataset.img2txt) print("coco val:", val_result_coco) test_result_coco = itm_eval(score_test_i2t_coco, score_test_t2i_coco, test_loader.dataset.txt2img, test_loader.dataset.img2txt) print("coco test:", test_result_coco) lr_scheduler.step(epoch+warmup_epochs+1) .. container:: output stream stdout :: Epoch: 0, gamma: 1.000 Epoch: 0 iteration: 0 lr: 1e-05 loss: 25.562393188476562 Epoch: 0 iteration: 50 lr: 1e-05 loss: 7.046422958374023 Epoch: 0 iteration: 100 lr: 2.45e-05 loss: 4.479846000671387 Epoch: 0 iteration: 150 lr: 2.45e-05 loss: 1.4941186904907227 Epoch: 0 iteration: 200 lr: 3.899999999999999e-05 loss: 0.7526077032089233 Epoch: 0 iteration: 250 lr: 3.899999999999999e-05 loss: 0.5853667259216309 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 0 coco val: {'txt_r1': 3.32, 'txt_r5': 11.82, 'txt_r10': 18.46, 'txt_r_mean': 11.200000000000001, 'img_r1': 1.5953618552578968, 'img_r5': 6.261495401839264, 'img_r10': 10.547780887644942, 'img_r_mean': 6.1348793815807, 'r_mean': 8.667439690790351} coco test: {'txt_r1': 3.18, 'txt_r5': 11.2, 'txt_r10': 17.26, 'txt_r_mean': 10.546666666666667, 'img_r1': 1.6113554578168732, 'img_r5': 6.1975209916033585, 'img_r10': 10.735705717712914, 'img_r_mean': 6.1815273890443825, 'r_mean': 8.364097027855525} Epoch: 1, gamma: 0.991 Epoch: 1 iteration: 0 lr: 0.0002992056748283996 loss: 0.6412824392318726 Epoch: 1 iteration: 50 lr: 0.0002992056748283996 loss: 0.08212701976299286 Epoch: 1 iteration: 100 lr: 0.0002992056748283996 loss: 0.32320332527160645 Epoch: 1 iteration: 150 lr: 0.0002992056748283996 loss: 0.1429944634437561 Epoch: 1 iteration: 200 lr: 0.0002992056748283996 loss: -0.14057549834251404 Epoch: 1 iteration: 250 lr: 0.0002992056748283996 loss: 0.45640790462493896 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 1 coco val: {'txt_r1': 13.88, 'txt_r5': 33.96, 'txt_r10': 45.62, 'txt_r_mean': 31.153333333333336, 'img_r1': 7.7329068372650935, 'img_r5': 22.159136345461814, 'img_r10': 32.70291883246701, 'img_r_mean': 20.864987338397974, 'r_mean': 26.009160335865655} coco test: {'txt_r1': 13.38, 'txt_r5': 32.54, 'txt_r10': 43.6, 'txt_r_mean': 29.840000000000003, 'img_r1': 7.888844462215114, 'img_r5': 22.423030787684926, 'img_r10': 33.406637345061974, 'img_r_mean': 21.23950419832067, 'r_mean': 25.53975209916034} Epoch: 2, gamma: 0.965 Epoch: 2 iteration: 0 lr: 0.0002968314021064018 loss: -0.9379413723945618 Epoch: 2 iteration: 50 lr: 0.0002968314021064018 loss: 0.14994144439697266 Epoch: 2 iteration: 100 lr: 0.0002968314021064018 loss: 0.48201847076416016 Epoch: 2 iteration: 150 lr: 0.0002968314021064018 loss: -0.006118714809417725 Epoch: 2 iteration: 200 lr: 0.0002968314021064018 loss: 0.0514066182076931 Epoch: 2 iteration: 250 lr: 0.0002968314021064018 loss: 0.3719228208065033 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 2 coco val: {'txt_r1': 16.14, 'txt_r5': 37.82, 'txt_r10': 49.62, 'txt_r_mean': 34.526666666666664, 'img_r1': 9.776089564174331, 'img_r5': 26.90923630547781, 'img_r10': 38.16473410635746, 'img_r_mean': 24.950019992003195, 'r_mean': 29.73834332933493} coco test: {'txt_r1': 17.14, 'txt_r5': 36.9, 'txt_r10': 48.7, 'txt_r_mean': 34.24666666666667, 'img_r1': 10.111955217912834, 'img_r5': 27.109156337465013, 'img_r10': 38.456617353058775, 'img_r_mean': 25.22590963614554, 'r_mean': 29.736288151406107} Epoch: 3, gamma: 0.924 Epoch: 3 iteration: 0 lr: 0.00029290319486279724 loss: -1.0872976779937744 Epoch: 3 iteration: 50 lr: 0.00029290319486279724 loss: 0.2618948221206665 Epoch: 3 iteration: 100 lr: 0.00029290319486279724 loss: 0.2907547950744629 Epoch: 3 iteration: 150 lr: 0.00029290319486279724 loss: -0.04956810176372528 Epoch: 3 iteration: 200 lr: 0.00029290319486279724 loss: -0.21110652387142181 Epoch: 3 iteration: 250 lr: 0.00029290319486279724 loss: 0.48659956455230713 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 3 coco val: {'txt_r1': 16.88, 'txt_r5': 36.98, 'txt_r10': 49.62, 'txt_r_mean': 34.49333333333333, 'img_r1': 10.60375849660136, 'img_r5': 27.844862055177927, 'img_r10': 39.11235505797681, 'img_r_mean': 25.853658536585368, 'r_mean': 30.173495934959348} coco test: {'txt_r1': 16.88, 'txt_r5': 37.52, 'txt_r10': 49.3, 'txt_r_mean': 34.56666666666667, 'img_r1': 10.79968012794882, 'img_r5': 28.008796481407437, 'img_r10': 39.58416633346661, 'img_r_mean': 26.130880980940958, 'r_mean': 30.348773823803814} Epoch: 4, gamma: 0.868 Epoch: 4 iteration: 0 lr: 0.00028746409135817707 loss: -1.1554466485977173 Epoch: 4 iteration: 50 lr: 0.00028746409135817707 loss: 0.30480873584747314 Epoch: 4 iteration: 100 lr: 0.00028746409135817707 loss: 0.33791103959083557 Epoch: 4 iteration: 150 lr: 0.00028746409135817707 loss: 0.08627769351005554 Epoch: 4 iteration: 200 lr: 0.00028746409135817707 loss: 0.2642784118652344 Epoch: 4 iteration: 250 lr: 0.00028746409135817707 loss: 0.07905745506286621 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 4 coco val: {'txt_r1': 16.8, 'txt_r5': 38.8, 'txt_r10': 51.18, 'txt_r_mean': 35.593333333333334, 'img_r1': 11.38344662135146, 'img_r5': 29.196321471411437, 'img_r10': 41.21951219512195, 'img_r_mean': 27.26642676262828, 'r_mean': 31.42988004798081} coco test: {'txt_r1': 17.4, 'txt_r5': 38.14, 'txt_r10': 49.8, 'txt_r_mean': 35.11333333333334, 'img_r1': 11.303478608556578, 'img_r5': 29.524190323870453, 'img_r10': 41.50739704118352, 'img_r_mean': 27.445021991203518, 'r_mean': 31.279177662268427} Epoch: 5, gamma: 0.800 Epoch: 5 iteration: 0 lr: 0.0002805736835487436 loss: -0.8010793924331665 Epoch: 5 iteration: 50 lr: 0.0002805736835487436 loss: -0.04104653745889664 Epoch: 5 iteration: 100 lr: 0.0002805736835487436 loss: -0.05042795091867447 Epoch: 5 iteration: 150 lr: 0.0002805736835487436 loss: 0.3482283651828766 Epoch: 5 iteration: 200 lr: 0.0002805736835487436 loss: -0.19366544485092163 Epoch: 5 iteration: 250 lr: 0.0002805736835487436 loss: 0.18530279397964478 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 5 coco val: {'txt_r1': 17.92, 'txt_r5': 38.94, 'txt_r10': 50.88, 'txt_r_mean': 35.913333333333334, 'img_r1': 11.76329468212715, 'img_r5': 30.32387045181927, 'img_r10': 42.21911235505798, 'img_r_mean': 28.1020924963348, 'r_mean': 32.007712914834066} coco test: {'txt_r1': 17.56, 'txt_r5': 38.92, 'txt_r10': 51.08, 'txt_r_mean': 35.85333333333333, 'img_r1': 11.451419432227109, 'img_r5': 29.976009596161536, 'img_r10': 41.73530587764894, 'img_r_mean': 27.72091163534586, 'r_mean': 31.787122484339598} Epoch: 6, gamma: 0.724 Epoch: 6 iteration: 0 lr: 0.0002723074641843674 loss: -0.79267418384552 Epoch: 6 iteration: 50 lr: 0.0002723074641843674 loss: 0.18923521041870117 Epoch: 6 iteration: 100 lr: 0.0002723074641843674 loss: 0.20457345247268677 Epoch: 6 iteration: 150 lr: 0.0002723074641843674 loss: 0.4892052114009857 Epoch: 6 iteration: 200 lr: 0.0002723074641843674 loss: 0.04444585740566254 Epoch: 6 iteration: 250 lr: 0.0002723074641843674 loss: 0.47790783643722534 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 6 coco val: {'txt_r1': 17.84, 'txt_r5': 39.14, 'txt_r10': 51.14, 'txt_r_mean': 36.04, 'img_r1': 12.019192323070772, 'img_r5': 30.059976009596163, 'img_r10': 42.215113954418236, 'img_r_mean': 28.098094095695057, 'r_mean': 32.069047047847526} coco test: {'txt_r1': 16.96, 'txt_r5': 38.64, 'txt_r10': 50.88, 'txt_r_mean': 35.49333333333333, 'img_r1': 11.91923230707717, 'img_r5': 30.631747301079567, 'img_r10': 42.19512195121951, 'img_r_mean': 28.248700519792084, 'r_mean': 31.87101692656271} Epoch: 7, gamma: 0.642 Epoch: 7 iteration: 0 lr: 0.00026275599969422214 loss: -0.6361552476882935 Epoch: 7 iteration: 50 lr: 0.00026275599969422214 loss: 0.06120859831571579 Epoch: 7 iteration: 100 lr: 0.00026275599969422214 loss: -0.07773126661777496 Epoch: 7 iteration: 150 lr: 0.00026275599969422214 loss: 0.44026297330856323 Epoch: 7 iteration: 200 lr: 0.00026275599969422214 loss: 0.20525489747524261 Epoch: 7 iteration: 250 lr: 0.00026275599969422214 loss: 0.4531901776790619 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 7 coco val: {'txt_r1': 17.0, 'txt_r5': 37.82, 'txt_r10': 48.92, 'txt_r_mean': 34.580000000000005, 'img_r1': 12.307077169132347, 'img_r5': 30.60375849660136, 'img_r10': 42.27109156337465, 'img_r_mean': 28.39397574303612, 'r_mean': 31.48698787151806} coco test: {'txt_r1': 16.14, 'txt_r5': 36.86, 'txt_r10': 48.22, 'txt_r_mean': 33.74, 'img_r1': 12.103158736505398, 'img_r5': 30.647740903638546, 'img_r10': 42.43102758896441, 'img_r_mean': 28.39397574303612, 'r_mean': 31.06698787151806} Epoch: 8, gamma: 0.558 Epoch: 8 iteration: 0 lr: 0.0002520239379220344 loss: -0.3692495822906494 Epoch: 8 iteration: 50 lr: 0.0002520239379220344 loss: 0.002105802297592163 Epoch: 8 iteration: 100 lr: 0.0002520239379220344 loss: 0.40007448196411133 Epoch: 8 iteration: 150 lr: 0.0002520239379220344 loss: -0.1796630322933197 Epoch: 8 iteration: 200 lr: 0.0002520239379220344 loss: 0.013615682721138 Epoch: 8 iteration: 250 lr: 0.0002520239379220344 loss: 0.08308104425668716 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 8 coco val: {'txt_r1': 18.38, 'txt_r5': 40.12, 'txt_r10': 52.72, 'txt_r_mean': 37.07333333333333, 'img_r1': 11.93922431027589, 'img_r5': 30.519792083166735, 'img_r10': 42.147141143542584, 'img_r_mean': 28.202052512328404, 'r_mean': 32.637692922830865} coco test: {'txt_r1': 18.12, 'txt_r5': 40.16, 'txt_r10': 52.06, 'txt_r_mean': 36.78, 'img_r1': 12.17512994802079, 'img_r5': 30.483806477409036, 'img_r10': 42.02319072371051, 'img_r_mean': 28.227375716380113, 'r_mean': 32.503687858190055} Epoch: 9, gamma: 0.476 Epoch: 9 iteration: 0 lr: 0.00024022886158240857 loss: -0.08598324656486511 Epoch: 9 iteration: 50 lr: 0.00024022886158240857 loss: 0.003968283534049988 Epoch: 9 iteration: 100 lr: 0.00024022886158240857 loss: -0.21741534769535065 Epoch: 9 iteration: 150 lr: 0.00024022886158240857 loss: 0.05582163855433464 Epoch: 9 iteration: 200 lr: 0.00024022886158240857 loss: 0.24776872992515564 Epoch: 9 iteration: 250 lr: 0.00024022886158240857 loss: -0.3975985646247864 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 9 coco val: {'txt_r1': 18.54, 'txt_r5': 39.6, 'txt_r10': 52.06, 'txt_r_mean': 36.733333333333334, 'img_r1': 12.451019592163135, 'img_r5': 31.307477009196322, 'img_r10': 43.03078768492603, 'img_r_mean': 28.929761428761832, 'r_mean': 32.831547381047585} coco test: {'txt_r1': 17.12, 'txt_r5': 39.16, 'txt_r10': 50.48, 'txt_r_mean': 35.586666666666666, 'img_r1': 12.642942822870852, 'img_r5': 31.311475409836067, 'img_r10': 42.93082766893243, 'img_r_mean': 28.961748633879782, 'r_mean': 32.274207650273226} Epoch: 10, gamma: 0.400 Epoch: 10 iteration: 0 lr: 0.00022749999999999997 loss: -0.6577126979827881 Epoch: 10 iteration: 50 lr: 0.00022749999999999997 loss: -0.5723749995231628 Epoch: 10 iteration: 100 lr: 0.00022749999999999997 loss: 0.3125423192977905 Epoch: 10 iteration: 150 lr: 0.00022749999999999997 loss: 0.2595430910587311 Epoch: 10 iteration: 200 lr: 0.00022749999999999997 loss: -0.7876827716827393 Epoch: 10 iteration: 250 lr: 0.00022749999999999997 loss: 0.32207944989204407 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 10 coco val: {'txt_r1': 18.98, 'txt_r5': 40.72, 'txt_r10': 52.22, 'txt_r_mean': 37.306666666666665, 'img_r1': 12.598960415833666, 'img_r5': 31.555377848860456, 'img_r10': 43.1187524990004, 'img_r_mean': 29.09103025456484, 'r_mean': 33.19884846061575} coco test: {'txt_r1': 18.4, 'txt_r5': 40.0, 'txt_r10': 51.3, 'txt_r_mean': 36.56666666666666, 'img_r1': 12.65093962415034, 'img_r5': 31.391443422630946, 'img_r10': 43.06677329068373, 'img_r_mean': 29.03638544582167, 'r_mean': 32.801526056244164} Epoch: 11, gamma: 0.332 Epoch: 11 iteration: 0 lr: 0.00021397681324599103 loss: -0.34026050567626953 Epoch: 11 iteration: 50 lr: 0.00021397681324599103 loss: -0.2386927455663681 Epoch: 11 iteration: 100 lr: 0.00021397681324599103 loss: -0.14894789457321167 Epoch: 11 iteration: 150 lr: 0.00021397681324599103 loss: -0.10067954659461975 Epoch: 11 iteration: 200 lr: 0.00021397681324599103 loss: -0.23022054135799408 Epoch: 11 iteration: 250 lr: 0.00021397681324599103 loss: -0.45793771743774414 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 11 coco val: {'txt_r1': 18.62, 'txt_r5': 40.64, 'txt_r10': 52.94, 'txt_r_mean': 37.4, 'img_r1': 12.922830867652939, 'img_r5': 32.03118752499, 'img_r10': 43.49460215913635, 'img_r_mean': 29.482873517259765, 'r_mean': 33.441436758629884} coco test: {'txt_r1': 17.74, 'txt_r5': 40.04, 'txt_r10': 51.3, 'txt_r_mean': 36.36, 'img_r1': 12.722910835665735, 'img_r5': 31.78328668532587, 'img_r10': 43.366653338664534, 'img_r_mean': 29.290950286552047, 'r_mean': 32.82547514327602} Epoch: 12, gamma: 0.276 Epoch: 12 iteration: 0 lr: 0.00019980746418436736 loss: 0.1621129810810089 Epoch: 12 iteration: 50 lr: 0.00019980746418436736 loss: -0.009299516677856445 Epoch: 12 iteration: 100 lr: 0.00019980746418436736 loss: -0.5970742702484131 Epoch: 12 iteration: 150 lr: 0.00019980746418436736 loss: 0.47076350450515747 Epoch: 12 iteration: 200 lr: 0.00019980746418436736 loss: -0.13326945900917053 Epoch: 12 iteration: 250 lr: 0.00019980746418436736 loss: 0.45385855436325073 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 12 coco val: {'txt_r1': 19.36, 'txt_r5': 41.76, 'txt_r10': 53.8, 'txt_r_mean': 38.306666666666665, 'img_r1': 12.510995601759296, 'img_r5': 31.64734106357457, 'img_r10': 43.906437425029985, 'img_r_mean': 29.354924696787947, 'r_mean': 33.83079568172731} coco test: {'txt_r1': 17.92, 'txt_r5': 40.54, 'txt_r10': 52.52, 'txt_r_mean': 36.99333333333333, 'img_r1': 12.546981207516993, 'img_r5': 31.663334666133547, 'img_r10': 43.59856057576969, 'img_r_mean': 29.26962548314008, 'r_mean': 33.13147940823671} Epoch: 13, gamma: 0.235 Epoch: 13 iteration: 0 lr: 0.00018514719516857505 loss: -0.5067631006240845 Epoch: 13 iteration: 50 lr: 0.00018514719516857505 loss: 0.2352938950061798 Epoch: 13 iteration: 100 lr: 0.00018514719516857505 loss: -0.2643214464187622 Epoch: 13 iteration: 150 lr: 0.00018514719516857505 loss: 0.23752623796463013 Epoch: 13 iteration: 200 lr: 0.00018514719516857505 loss: 0.07142394781112671 Epoch: 13 iteration: 250 lr: 0.00018514719516857505 loss: -0.08324214816093445 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 13 coco val: {'txt_r1': 18.02, 'txt_r5': 40.6, 'txt_r10': 52.58, 'txt_r_mean': 37.06666666666667, 'img_r1': 13.07077169132347, 'img_r5': 32.15113954418233, 'img_r10': 43.834466213514595, 'img_r_mean': 29.685459149673466, 'r_mean': 33.37606290817007} coco test: {'txt_r1': 18.68, 'txt_r5': 39.98, 'txt_r10': 51.54, 'txt_r_mean': 36.73333333333333, 'img_r1': 12.886845261895242, 'img_r5': 31.747301079568174, 'img_r10': 43.758496601359454, 'img_r_mean': 29.46421431427429, 'r_mean': 33.09877382380381} Epoch: 14, gamma: 0.209 Epoch: 14 iteration: 0 lr: 0.00017015662717380974 loss: -0.20282623171806335 Epoch: 14 iteration: 50 lr: 0.00017015662717380974 loss: 0.06293128430843353 Epoch: 14 iteration: 100 lr: 0.00017015662717380974 loss: 0.1367354840040207 Epoch: 14 iteration: 150 lr: 0.00017015662717380974 loss: -0.4914567172527313 Epoch: 14 iteration: 200 lr: 0.00017015662717380974 loss: -0.5457226634025574 Epoch: 14 iteration: 250 lr: 0.00017015662717380974 loss: 0.6598182916641235 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 14 coco val: {'txt_r1': 18.42, 'txt_r5': 40.68, 'txt_r10': 52.6, 'txt_r_mean': 37.233333333333334, 'img_r1': 13.01079568172731, 'img_r5': 32.52698920431827, 'img_r10': 44.59016393442623, 'img_r_mean': 30.042649606823932, 'r_mean': 33.63799147007863} coco test: {'txt_r1': 17.36, 'txt_r5': 39.24, 'txt_r10': 51.56, 'txt_r_mean': 36.053333333333335, 'img_r1': 13.110755697720911, 'img_r5': 32.59496201519392, 'img_r10': 44.46621351459416, 'img_r_mean': 30.057310409169663, 'r_mean': 33.0553218712515} Epoch: 15, gamma: 0.200 Epoch: 15 iteration: 0 lr: 0.000155 loss: -0.3857421278953552 Epoch: 15 iteration: 50 lr: 0.000155 loss: 0.14474812150001526 Epoch: 15 iteration: 100 lr: 0.000155 loss: 0.14783787727355957 Epoch: 15 iteration: 150 lr: 0.000155 loss: 0.287048876285553 Epoch: 15 iteration: 200 lr: 0.000155 loss: 0.4190866947174072 Epoch: 15 iteration: 250 lr: 0.000155 loss: 0.2746019959449768 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 15 coco val: {'txt_r1': 19.06, 'txt_r5': 41.82, 'txt_r10': 53.62, 'txt_r_mean': 38.166666666666664, 'img_r1': 13.434626149540184, 'img_r5': 32.86285485805678, 'img_r10': 44.57417033186725, 'img_r_mean': 30.290550446488073, 'r_mean': 34.22860855657737} coco test: {'txt_r1': 18.2, 'txt_r5': 41.18, 'txt_r10': 52.44, 'txt_r_mean': 37.27333333333333, 'img_r1': 13.290683726509396, 'img_r5': 32.82287085165934, 'img_r10': 44.31827269092363, 'img_r_mean': 30.14394242303079, 'r_mean': 33.70863787818206} Epoch: 16, gamma: 0.200 Epoch: 16 iteration: 0 lr: 0.00013984337282619026 loss: -0.28232839703559875 Epoch: 16 iteration: 50 lr: 0.00013984337282619026 loss: 0.04332975298166275 Epoch: 16 iteration: 100 lr: 0.00013984337282619026 loss: 0.8832021355628967 Epoch: 16 iteration: 150 lr: 0.00013984337282619026 loss: -0.38278964161872864 Epoch: 16 iteration: 200 lr: 0.00013984337282619026 loss: 0.11864498257637024 Epoch: 16 iteration: 250 lr: 0.00013984337282619026 loss: -0.07094748318195343 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 16 coco val: {'txt_r1': 19.46, 'txt_r5': 42.48, 'txt_r10': 55.12, 'txt_r_mean': 39.02, 'img_r1': 13.590563774490203, 'img_r5': 33.406637345061974, 'img_r10': 45.373850459816076, 'img_r_mean': 30.79035052645608, 'r_mean': 34.905175263228045} coco test: {'txt_r1': 19.12, 'txt_r5': 41.52, 'txt_r10': 54.16, 'txt_r_mean': 38.266666666666666, 'img_r1': 13.582566973210715, 'img_r5': 33.37864854058377, 'img_r10': 45.25389844062375, 'img_r_mean': 30.73837131813941, 'r_mean': 34.50251899240304} Epoch: 17, gamma: 0.200 Epoch: 17 iteration: 0 lr: 0.00012485280483142487 loss: -0.9415677189826965 Epoch: 17 iteration: 50 lr: 0.00012485280483142487 loss: -0.5497835874557495 Epoch: 17 iteration: 100 lr: 0.00012485280483142487 loss: 0.16091038286685944 Epoch: 17 iteration: 150 lr: 0.00012485280483142487 loss: -0.5314240455627441 Epoch: 17 iteration: 200 lr: 0.00012485280483142487 loss: -0.48017585277557373 Epoch: 17 iteration: 250 lr: 0.00012485280483142487 loss: -0.06742753088474274 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 17 coco val: {'txt_r1': 18.38, 'txt_r5': 42.0, 'txt_r10': 53.8, 'txt_r_mean': 38.059999999999995, 'img_r1': 13.874450219912035, 'img_r5': 33.646541383446625, 'img_r10': 45.46581367453019, 'img_r_mean': 30.99560175929628, 'r_mean': 34.52780087964814} coco test: {'txt_r1': 18.72, 'txt_r5': 40.96, 'txt_r10': 52.74, 'txt_r_mean': 37.473333333333336, 'img_r1': 13.58656537385046, 'img_r5': 33.59856057576969, 'img_r10': 45.56577369052379, 'img_r_mean': 30.916966546714647, 'r_mean': 34.195149940023995} Epoch: 18, gamma: 0.200 Epoch: 18 iteration: 0 lr: 0.00011019253581563262 loss: -0.22665226459503174 Epoch: 18 iteration: 50 lr: 0.00011019253581563262 loss: 0.3105364143848419 Epoch: 18 iteration: 100 lr: 0.00011019253581563262 loss: -0.6017360687255859 Epoch: 18 iteration: 150 lr: 0.00011019253581563262 loss: -0.10946881771087646 Epoch: 18 iteration: 200 lr: 0.00011019253581563262 loss: 0.5930840969085693 Epoch: 18 iteration: 250 lr: 0.00011019253581563262 loss: -0.5299042463302612 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 18 coco val: {'txt_r1': 18.88, 'txt_r5': 41.66, 'txt_r10': 54.32, 'txt_r_mean': 38.28666666666666, 'img_r1': 14.146341463414634, 'img_r5': 33.906437425029985, 'img_r10': 45.813674530187924, 'img_r_mean': 31.288817806210847, 'r_mean': 34.78774223643875} coco test: {'txt_r1': 19.12, 'txt_r5': 41.68, 'txt_r10': 53.5, 'txt_r_mean': 38.1, 'img_r1': 14.166333466613354, 'img_r5': 33.98640543782487, 'img_r10': 45.84966013594562, 'img_r_mean': 31.33413301346128, 'r_mean': 34.71706650673064} Epoch: 19, gamma: 0.200 Epoch: 19 iteration: 0 lr: 9.602318675400897e-05 loss: -0.3066856861114502 Epoch: 19 iteration: 50 lr: 9.602318675400897e-05 loss: -0.17421871423721313 Epoch: 19 iteration: 100 lr: 9.602318675400897e-05 loss: 0.14295539259910583 Epoch: 19 iteration: 150 lr: 9.602318675400897e-05 loss: -0.3085940182209015 Epoch: 19 iteration: 200 lr: 9.602318675400897e-05 loss: 0.24928906559944153 Epoch: 19 iteration: 250 lr: 9.602318675400897e-05 loss: -0.5828370451927185 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 19 coco val: {'txt_r1': 18.4, 'txt_r5': 41.82, 'txt_r10': 54.68, 'txt_r_mean': 38.300000000000004, 'img_r1': 14.082367053178729, 'img_r5': 34.47820871651339, 'img_r10': 46.353458616553375, 'img_r_mean': 31.638011462081835, 'r_mean': 34.96900573104092} coco test: {'txt_r1': 19.2, 'txt_r5': 41.32, 'txt_r10': 53.96, 'txt_r_mean': 38.16, 'img_r1': 14.022391043582568, 'img_r5': 34.05437824870052, 'img_r10': 46.0375849660136, 'img_r_mean': 31.37145141943223, 'r_mean': 34.765725709716115} Epoch: 20, gamma: 0.200 Epoch: 20 iteration: 0 lr: 8.250000000000001e-05 loss: -0.687865138053894 Epoch: 20 iteration: 50 lr: 8.250000000000001e-05 loss: 0.06656238436698914 Epoch: 20 iteration: 100 lr: 8.250000000000001e-05 loss: 0.10606825351715088 Epoch: 20 iteration: 150 lr: 8.250000000000001e-05 loss: -0.3606206774711609 Epoch: 20 iteration: 200 lr: 8.250000000000001e-05 loss: -0.516855001449585 Epoch: 20 iteration: 250 lr: 8.250000000000001e-05 loss: 0.1063995361328125 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 20 coco val: {'txt_r1': 19.42, 'txt_r5': 42.92, 'txt_r10': 55.74, 'txt_r_mean': 39.36000000000001, 'img_r1': 14.214314274290285, 'img_r5': 34.60215913634546, 'img_r10': 46.557377049180324, 'img_r_mean': 31.791283486605362, 'r_mean': 35.57564174330268} coco test: {'txt_r1': 20.32, 'txt_r5': 42.76, 'txt_r10': 54.22, 'txt_r_mean': 39.1, 'img_r1': 14.23030787684926, 'img_r5': 34.44622151139544, 'img_r10': 46.44142343062775, 'img_r_mean': 31.705984272957483, 'r_mean': 35.402992136478744} Epoch: 21, gamma: 0.200 Epoch: 21 iteration: 0 lr: 6.97711384175914e-05 loss: -0.21475720405578613 Epoch: 21 iteration: 50 lr: 6.97711384175914e-05 loss: -0.34671270847320557 Epoch: 21 iteration: 100 lr: 6.97711384175914e-05 loss: -0.33826878666877747 Epoch: 21 iteration: 150 lr: 6.97711384175914e-05 loss: -0.10392135381698608 Epoch: 21 iteration: 200 lr: 6.97711384175914e-05 loss: 0.7251447439193726 Epoch: 21 iteration: 250 lr: 6.97711384175914e-05 loss: -0.4448509216308594 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 21 coco val: {'txt_r1': 19.52, 'txt_r5': 43.7, 'txt_r10': 55.54, 'txt_r_mean': 39.586666666666666, 'img_r1': 14.338264694122351, 'img_r5': 34.91003598560576, 'img_r10': 46.781287485006, 'img_r_mean': 32.00986272157804, 'r_mean': 35.79826469412235} coco test: {'txt_r1': 19.76, 'txt_r5': 42.54, 'txt_r10': 54.62, 'txt_r_mean': 38.97333333333333, 'img_r1': 14.406237504998002, 'img_r5': 34.51019592163135, 'img_r10': 46.517393042782885, 'img_r_mean': 31.81127548980408, 'r_mean': 35.3923044115687} Epoch: 22, gamma: 0.200 Epoch: 22 iteration: 0 lr: 5.797606207796559e-05 loss: -0.4769590497016907 Epoch: 22 iteration: 50 lr: 5.797606207796559e-05 loss: 0.4714312255382538 Epoch: 22 iteration: 100 lr: 5.797606207796559e-05 loss: -0.0077140554785728455 Epoch: 22 iteration: 150 lr: 5.797606207796559e-05 loss: -0.12021001428365707 Epoch: 22 iteration: 200 lr: 5.797606207796559e-05 loss: -0.0014841780066490173 Epoch: 22 iteration: 250 lr: 5.797606207796559e-05 loss: -0.06714646518230438 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 22 coco val: {'txt_r1': 19.6, 'txt_r5': 43.42, 'txt_r10': 55.76, 'txt_r_mean': 39.593333333333334, 'img_r1': 14.57017193122751, 'img_r5': 34.718112754898044, 'img_r10': 46.48140743702519, 'img_r_mean': 31.923230707716915, 'r_mean': 35.75828202052512} coco test: {'txt_r1': 20.5, 'txt_r5': 42.38, 'txt_r10': 54.34, 'txt_r_mean': 39.07333333333333, 'img_r1': 14.446221511395441, 'img_r5': 34.21431427429028, 'img_r10': 46.26949220311875, 'img_r_mean': 31.643342662934828, 'r_mean': 35.358337998134076} Epoch: 23, gamma: 0.200 Epoch: 23 iteration: 0 lr: 4.724400030577786e-05 loss: -0.33012133836746216 Epoch: 23 iteration: 50 lr: 4.724400030577786e-05 loss: -0.3042541444301605 Epoch: 23 iteration: 100 lr: 4.724400030577786e-05 loss: 0.022292636334896088 Epoch: 23 iteration: 150 lr: 4.724400030577786e-05 loss: 0.3158537745475769 Epoch: 23 iteration: 200 lr: 4.724400030577786e-05 loss: -0.16166701912879944 Epoch: 23 iteration: 250 lr: 4.724400030577786e-05 loss: 0.26842328906059265 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 23 coco val: {'txt_r1': 19.14, 'txt_r5': 43.16, 'txt_r10': 55.7, 'txt_r_mean': 39.333333333333336, 'img_r1': 14.514194322271091, 'img_r5': 34.85405837664934, 'img_r10': 46.59736105557777, 'img_r_mean': 31.98853791816607, 'r_mean': 35.6609356257497} coco test: {'txt_r1': 20.36, 'txt_r5': 42.84, 'txt_r10': 55.32, 'txt_r_mean': 39.50666666666667, 'img_r1': 14.426229508196721, 'img_r5': 34.14234306277489, 'img_r10': 46.08156737305078, 'img_r_mean': 31.550046648007463, 'r_mean': 35.52835665733706} Epoch: 24, gamma: 0.200 Epoch: 24 iteration: 0 lr: 3.769253581563263e-05 loss: -0.3044487535953522 Epoch: 24 iteration: 50 lr: 3.769253581563263e-05 loss: 0.39506223797798157 Epoch: 24 iteration: 100 lr: 3.769253581563263e-05 loss: -0.1519729197025299 Epoch: 24 iteration: 150 lr: 3.769253581563263e-05 loss: -0.44683516025543213 Epoch: 24 iteration: 200 lr: 3.769253581563263e-05 loss: -0.6504060626029968 Epoch: 24 iteration: 250 lr: 3.769253581563263e-05 loss: -0.19650176167488098 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 24 coco val: {'txt_r1': 20.06, 'txt_r5': 42.68, 'txt_r10': 55.44, 'txt_r_mean': 39.39333333333333, 'img_r1': 14.614154338264694, 'img_r5': 35.29388244702119, 'img_r10': 47.26109556177529, 'img_r_mean': 32.389710782353724, 'r_mean': 35.89152205784353} coco test: {'txt_r1': 20.38, 'txt_r5': 42.52, 'txt_r10': 54.92, 'txt_r_mean': 39.27333333333333, 'img_r1': 14.722111155537785, 'img_r5': 34.83006797281087, 'img_r10': 46.869252299080365, 'img_r_mean': 32.140477142476335, 'r_mean': 35.706905237904834} Epoch: 25, gamma: 0.200 Epoch: 25 iteration: 0 lr: 2.9426316451256386e-05 loss: 0.10228502005338669 Epoch: 25 iteration: 50 lr: 2.9426316451256386e-05 loss: 0.02058348059654236 Epoch: 25 iteration: 100 lr: 2.9426316451256386e-05 loss: -0.110775887966156 Epoch: 25 iteration: 150 lr: 2.9426316451256386e-05 loss: -0.2704155147075653 Epoch: 25 iteration: 200 lr: 2.9426316451256386e-05 loss: 0.041183631867170334 Epoch: 25 iteration: 250 lr: 2.9426316451256386e-05 loss: -0.2531593441963196 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 25 coco val: {'txt_r1': 19.54, 'txt_r5': 42.42, 'txt_r10': 54.82, 'txt_r_mean': 38.92666666666667, 'img_r1': 14.642143142742903, 'img_r5': 34.85405837664934, 'img_r10': 46.845261895241904, 'img_r_mean': 32.113821138211385, 'r_mean': 35.52024390243903} coco test: {'txt_r1': 20.12, 'txt_r5': 41.86, 'txt_r10': 54.42, 'txt_r_mean': 38.800000000000004, 'img_r1': 14.674130347860856, 'img_r5': 34.60615753698521, 'img_r10': 46.829268292682926, 'img_r_mean': 32.036518725842996, 'r_mean': 35.4182593629215} Epoch: 26, gamma: 0.200 Epoch: 26 iteration: 0 lr: 2.2535908641822855e-05 loss: -0.05754963308572769 Epoch: 26 iteration: 50 lr: 2.2535908641822855e-05 loss: -0.15947675704956055 Epoch: 26 iteration: 100 lr: 2.2535908641822855e-05 loss: 0.23592060804367065 Epoch: 26 iteration: 150 lr: 2.2535908641822855e-05 loss: -0.31553971767425537 Epoch: 26 iteration: 200 lr: 2.2535908641822855e-05 loss: -0.3375014662742615 Epoch: 26 iteration: 250 lr: 2.2535908641822855e-05 loss: -0.31750810146331787 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 26 coco val: {'txt_r1': 19.3, 'txt_r5': 42.38, 'txt_r10': 55.16, 'txt_r_mean': 38.946666666666665, 'img_r1': 14.602159136345461, 'img_r5': 34.94202319072371, 'img_r10': 47.01319472211116, 'img_r_mean': 32.185792349726775, 'r_mean': 35.56622950819672} coco test: {'txt_r1': 20.18, 'txt_r5': 42.06, 'txt_r10': 54.1, 'txt_r_mean': 38.78, 'img_r1': 14.818072770891643, 'img_r5': 34.58216713314674, 'img_r10': 46.593362654938026, 'img_r_mean': 31.997867519658808, 'r_mean': 35.388933759829406} Epoch: 27, gamma: 0.200 Epoch: 27 iteration: 0 lr: 1.7096805137202738e-05 loss: -0.10159443318843842 Epoch: 27 iteration: 50 lr: 1.7096805137202738e-05 loss: -0.2504361569881439 Epoch: 27 iteration: 100 lr: 1.7096805137202738e-05 loss: -0.05296333134174347 Epoch: 27 iteration: 150 lr: 1.7096805137202738e-05 loss: -0.30587038397789 Epoch: 27 iteration: 200 lr: 1.7096805137202738e-05 loss: -0.6555557250976562 Epoch: 27 iteration: 250 lr: 1.7096805137202738e-05 loss: -0.3346867263317108 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 27 coco val: {'txt_r1': 19.32, 'txt_r5': 43.2, 'txt_r10': 55.62, 'txt_r_mean': 39.38, 'img_r1': 14.514194322271091, 'img_r5': 35.19792083166733, 'img_r10': 46.917233106757294, 'img_r_mean': 32.20978275356524, 'r_mean': 35.79489137678262} coco test: {'txt_r1': 19.84, 'txt_r5': 42.32, 'txt_r10': 54.12, 'txt_r_mean': 38.76, 'img_r1': 14.706117552978808, 'img_r5': 34.65013994402239, 'img_r10': 46.62135145941623, 'img_r_mean': 31.992536318805815, 'r_mean': 35.376268159402905} Epoch: 28, gamma: 0.200 Epoch: 28 iteration: 0 lr: 1.3168597893598175e-05 loss: -0.060578376054763794 Epoch: 28 iteration: 50 lr: 1.3168597893598175e-05 loss: -0.502825140953064 Epoch: 28 iteration: 100 lr: 1.3168597893598175e-05 loss: -0.08314596861600876 Epoch: 28 iteration: 150 lr: 1.3168597893598175e-05 loss: -0.18819916248321533 Epoch: 28 iteration: 200 lr: 1.3168597893598175e-05 loss: 0.043348558247089386 Epoch: 28 iteration: 250 lr: 1.3168597893598175e-05 loss: -0.3972356915473938 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 28 coco val: {'txt_r1': 19.62, 'txt_r5': 42.82, 'txt_r10': 55.84, 'txt_r_mean': 39.42666666666667, 'img_r1': 14.642143142742903, 'img_r5': 35.15793682526989, 'img_r10': 47.06917233106757, 'img_r_mean': 32.28975076636012, 'r_mean': 35.858208716513396} coco test: {'txt_r1': 20.42, 'txt_r5': 42.44, 'txt_r10': 54.28, 'txt_r_mean': 39.04666666666667, 'img_r1': 14.742103158736505, 'img_r5': 34.67013194722111, 'img_r10': 46.89724110355858, 'img_r_mean': 32.1031587365054, 'r_mean': 35.57491270158603} Epoch: 29, gamma: 0.200 Epoch: 29 iteration: 0 lr: 1.0794325171600358e-05 loss: -0.11102907359600067 Epoch: 29 iteration: 50 lr: 1.0794325171600358e-05 loss: -0.26743975281715393 Epoch: 29 iteration: 100 lr: 1.0794325171600358e-05 loss: -0.3959043622016907 Epoch: 29 iteration: 150 lr: 1.0794325171600358e-05 loss: -0.5416654348373413 Epoch: 29 iteration: 200 lr: 1.0794325171600358e-05 loss: -0.2686673402786255 Epoch: 29 iteration: 250 lr: 1.0794325171600358e-05 loss: -0.15682968497276306 Computing features for evaluation... Computing features for evaluation... Epoch: 29 coco val: {'txt_r1': 19.26, 'txt_r5': 42.56, 'txt_r10': 54.74, 'txt_r_mean': 38.85333333333333, 'img_r1': 14.682127149140344, 'img_r5': 35.141943222710914, 'img_r10': 47.02119152339064, 'img_r_mean': 32.28175396508063, 'r_mean': 35.56754364920698} coco test: {'txt_r1': 19.88, 'txt_r5': 41.94, 'txt_r10': 53.84, 'txt_r_mean': 38.553333333333335, 'img_r1': 14.74610155937625, 'img_r5': 34.694122351059576, 'img_r10': 46.92123150739704, 'img_r_mean': 32.120485139277626, 'r_mean': 35.33690923630548} Visualization ----------------------- In order to compare the performance of different algorithms, we also train CLIP models using OpenCLIP and SogCLR with constant gamma. Notebooks for training CLIP models using the two algorithms are available `here `__ and `here `__, respectively. We plot the training curves of the mean validation recall values of the three algorithms. .. container:: cell code .. code:: python clip_recall_vals = [9.146024256963882, 25.643747834199658, 29.270318539250965, 30.15803545248567, 30.758616553378648, 30.071351459416235, 30.393121418099422, 30.48455817672931, 30.86781287485006, 30.960474476875916, 30.23930161268826, 30.297093162734903, 30.965095295215246, 31.358384646141545, 31.467666266826605, 30.952405704384915, 31.01773290683726, 31.05107556977209, 31.651619352259097, 31.91153405304545, 31.72560575769692, 31.692890843662532, 31.85492869518859, 32.204224976675995, 32.286870585099294, 32.64414634146342, 32.50149940023991, 32.45683726509397, 32.46283220045315, 32.77081167532987] sogclr_const_gamma_recall_vals = [8.643449286951887, 20.795427162468346, 25.186021591363456, 27.750850326536053, 28.922504331600692, 29.124374250299883, 29.839438891110223, 29.683995735039318, 31.367840863654536, 32.42836332133814, 31.349722777555648, 32.35694388911102, 31.718447287751566, 32.2727469012395, 31.900145275223245, 32.71076636012261, 32.902112488338, 33.1586818605891, 34.02394908703185, 34.01059442889511, 33.840582433693186, 34.06315873650539, 33.859892043182725, 34.69845661735305, 34.67579101692657, 34.69047181127549, 34.87510595761695, 34.759770758363324, 34.9390737038518, 34.88375982940157] sogclr_cosine_gamma_recall_vals = [8.667439690790351, 26.009160335865655, 29.73834332933493, 30.173495934959348, 31.42988004798081, 32.007712914834066, 32.069047047847526, 31.48698787151806, 32.637692922830865, 32.831547381047585, 33.19884846061575, 33.441436758629884, 33.83079568172731, 33.37606290817007, 33.63799147007863, 34.22860855657737, 34.905175263228045, 34.52780087964814, 34.78774223643875, 34.96900573104092, 35.57564174330268, 35.79826469412235, 35.75828202052512, 35.6609356257497, 35.89152205784353, 35.52024390243903, 35.56622950819672, 35.79489137678262, 35.858208716513396, 35.56754364920698] .. container:: cell code .. code:: python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np epochs = np.arange(1, 31) plt.plot(epochs, clip_recall_vals, label='OpenCLIP', ls=':', marker='+', color='blue') plt.plot(epochs, sogclr_const_gamma_recall_vals, label='SogCLR (Constant $\\gamma$)', marker='*', color='orange') plt.plot(epochs, sogclr_cosine_gamma_recall_vals, label='SogCLR (Consine $\\gamma$)') plt.ylabel('Mean Validation Recall', fontsize=18) plt.xlabel('Epoch', fontsize=18) plt.legend(fontsize=16) plt.show() .. image:: ./imgs/sogclr_gamma.png From the above figure we can see that with constant gamma, the performance of SogCLR in early stage is worse than that of CLIP. While with cosine gamma, the performance of SogCLR is better than that of CLIP throughout training.