Source code for libauc.losses.ranking

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import dok_matrix
from .surrogate import get_surrogate_loss

[docs] class ListwiseCELoss(torch.nn.Module): r"""Stochastic Optimization of Listwise CE loss. The objective function is defined as .. math:: F(\mathbf{w})=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{q=1}^{N} \frac{1}{N_q}\sum_{\mathbf{x}_i^q \in S_q^+} - y_i^q \ln \left(\frac{\exp(h_q(\mathbf{x}_i^q;\mathbf{w}))}{\sum_{\mathbf{x}_j^q \in S_q} \exp(h_q(\mathbf{x}_j^q;\mathbf{w})) }\right) where :math:`h_q(\mathbf{x}_i^q;\mathbf{w})` is the predicted score of :math:`\mathbf{x}_i^q` with respect to :math:`q`, :math:`y_i^q` is the relvance score of :math:`x_i^q` with respect to :math:`q`, :math:`N` is the number of total queries, :math:`N_q` is the total number of items to be ranked for query q, :math:`S_q` denotes the set of items to be ranked by query :math:`q`, and :math:`S_q^+` denotes the set of relevant items for query :math:`q`. Args: N (int): number of all relevant pairs num_pos (int): number of positive items sampled for each user gamma (float): the factor for moving average, i.e., \gamma in our paper [1]_. eps (float, optional): a small value to avoid divide-zero error (default: ``1e-10``) Example: >>> loss_fn = libauc.losses.ListwiseCELoss(N=1000, num_pos=10, gamma=0.1) # assume we have 1000 relevant query-item pairs >>> predictions = torch.randn((32, 10+20), requires_grad=True) # we sample 32 queries/users, and 10 positive items and 20 negative items for each query/user >>> batch = {'user_item_id': torch.randint(low=0, high=1000-1, size=(32,10+20))} # ids for all sampled query-item pairs in the batch >>> loss = loss_fn(predictions, batch) >>> loss.backward() Reference: .. [1] Qiu, Zi-Hao, Hu, Quanqi, Zhong, Yongjian, Zhang, Lijun, and Yang, Tianbao. "Large-scale Stochastic Optimization of NDCG Surrogates for Deep Learning with Provable Convergence." Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning. 2022. """ def __init__(self, N, num_pos, gamma, eps=1e-10, device=None): super(ListwiseCELoss, self).__init__() if not device: self.device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') else: self.device = device self.num_pos = num_pos self.gamma = gamma self.eps = eps self.u = torch.zeros(N).to(self.device) def forward(self, predictions, batch): """ Args: predictions: predicted socres from the model, shape: [batch_size, num_pos + num_neg] batch: a dict that contains two keys: user_id and item_id """ batch_size = predictions.size(0) neg_pred = torch.repeat_interleave(predictions[:, self.num_pos:], self.num_pos, dim=0) # [batch_size * num_pos, num_neg] pos_pred =[:, :self.num_pos], batch_size, dim=0), dim=1).permute(1,0) # [batch_size * num_pos, 1] margin = neg_pred - pos_pred exp_margin = torch.exp(margin - torch.max(margin)).detach_() user_item_ids = batch['user_item_id'][:, :self.num_pos].reshape(-1) self.u[user_item_ids] = (1-self.gamma) * self.u[user_item_ids] + self.gamma * torch.mean(exp_margin, dim=1) exp_margin_softmax = exp_margin / (self.u[user_item_ids][:, None] + self.eps) loss = torch.sum(margin * exp_margin_softmax) loss /= batch_size return loss
[docs] class NDCGLoss(torch.nn.Module): r"""Stochastic Optimization of NDCG (SONG) and top-K NDCG (K-SONG). The objective function of K-SONG is a bilevel optimization problem as presented below: .. math:: & \min \frac{1}{|S|} \sum_{(q,\mathbf{x}_i^q)\in S} \psi(h_q(\mathbf{x}_i^q;\mathbf{w})-\hat{\lambda}_q(\mathbf{w})) f_{q,i}(g(\mathbf{w};\mathbf{x}_i^q,S_q)) & s.t. \hat{\lambda}_q(\mathbf{w})=\arg\min_{\lambda} \frac{K+\epsilon}{N_q}\lambda + \frac{\tau_2}{2}\lambda^2 + \frac{1}{N_q} \sum_{\mathbf{x}_i^q \in S_q} \tau_1 \ln(1+\exp((h_q(\mathbf{x}_i^q;\mathbf{w})-\lambda)/\tau_1)) , & \forall q\in\mathbf{Q} where :math:`\psi(\cdot)` is a smooth Lipschtiz continuous function to approximate :math:`\mathbb{I}(\cdot\ge 0)`, e.g., sigmoid function, :math:`f_{q,i}(g)` denotes :math:`\frac{1}{Z_q^K}\frac{1-2^{y_i^q}}{\log_2(N_q g+1)}`. The objective formulation for SONG is a special case of that for K-SONG, where the :math:`\psi(\cdot)` function is a constant. Args: N (int): number of all relevant pairs num_user (int): number of users in the dataset num_item (int): number of items in the dataset num_pos (int): number of positive items sampled for each user gamma0 (float): the moving average factor of u_{q,i}, i.e., \beta_0 in our paper, in range (0.0, 1.0) this hyper-parameter can be tuned for better performance (default: ``0.9``) gamma1 (float, optional): the moving average factor of s_{q} and v_{q} (default: ``0.9``) eta0 (float, optional): step size of \lambda (default: ``0.01``) margin (float, optional): margin for squared hinge loss (default: ``1.0``) topk (int, optional): NDCG@k optimization is activated if topk > 0; topk=-1 represents SONG (default: ``1e-10``) topk_version (string, optional): 'theo' or 'prac' (default: ``theo``) tau_1 (float, optional): \tau_1 in Eq. (6), \tau_1 << 1 (default: ``0.01``) tau_2 (float, optional): \tau_2 in Eq. (6), \tau_2 << 1 (default: ``0.0001``) sigmoid_alpha (float, optional): a hyperparameter for sigmoid function, psi(x) = sigmoid(x * sigmoid_alpha) (default: ``1.0``) Example: >>> loss_fn = libauc.losses.NDCGLoss(N=1000, num_user=100, num_item=5000, num_pos=10, gamma0=0.1, topk=-1) # SONG (with topk = -1)/K-SONG (with topk = 100) >>> predictions = torch.randn((32, 10+20), requires_grad=True) # we sample 32 queries/users, and 10 positive items and 20 negative items for each query/user >>> batch = { 'rating': torch.randint(low=0, high=5, size=(32,10+20)), # ratings (e.g., in the range of [0,1,2,3,4]) for each sampled query-item pair 'user_id': torch.randint(low=0, high=100-1, size=32), # id for each sampled query 'num_pos_items': torch.randint(low=0, high=1000, size=32), # number of all relevant items for each sampled query 'ideal_dcg': torch.rand(32), # ideal DCG precomputed for each sampled query (in the range of (0.0, 1.0)) 'user_item_id': torch.randint(low=0, high=1000-1, size=(32,10+20))} # ids for all sampled query-item pairs in the batch } >>> loss = loss_fn(predictions, batch) >>> loss.backward() Reference: .. [1] Qiu, Zi-Hao, Hu, Quanqi, Zhong, Yongjian, Zhang, Lijun, and Yang, Tianbao. "Large-scale Stochastic Optimization of NDCG Surrogates for Deep Learning with Provable Convergence." Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning. 2022. """ def __init__(self, N, num_user, num_item, num_pos, gamma0=0.9, gamma1=0.9, eta0=0.01, margin=1.0, topk=-1, topk_version='theo', tau_1=0.01, tau_2=0.0001, sigmoid_alpha=2.0, surrogate_loss='squared_hinge', device=None): super(NDCGLoss, self).__init__() if not device: self.device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') else: self.device = device self.num_pos = num_pos self.margin = margin self.gamma0 = gamma0 self.topk = topk self.lambda_q = torch.zeros(num_user+1).to(self.device) # learnable thresholds for all querys (users) self.gamma1 = gamma1 self.tau_1 = tau_1 self.tau_2 = tau_2 self.eta0 = eta0 self.num_item = num_item self.topk_version = topk_version self.s_q = torch.zeros(num_user+1).to(self.device) # moving average estimator for \nabla_{\lambda}^2 L_q self.sigmoid_alpha = sigmoid_alpha self.u = torch.zeros(N).to(self.device) self.surrogate_loss = get_surrogate_loss(surrogate_loss) def forward(self, predictions, batch): device = predictions.device ratings = batch['rating'][:, :self.num_pos] # [batch_size, num_pos] batch_size = ratings.size()[0] predictions_expand = torch.repeat_interleave(predictions, self.num_pos, dim=0) # [batch_size*num_pos, num_pos+num_neg] predictions_pos =[:, :self.num_pos], batch_size, dim=0), dim=1).permute(1,0) # [batch_suze*num_pos, 1] num_pos_items = batch['num_pos_items'].float() # [batch_size], the number of positive items for each user ideal_dcg = batch['ideal_dcg'].float() # [batch_size], the ideal dcg for each user g = torch.mean(self.surrogate_loss(self.margin, predictions_pos-predictions_expand), dim=-1) # [batch_size*num_pos] g = g.reshape(batch_size, self.num_pos) # [batch_size, num_pos], line 5 in Algo 2. G = (2.0 ** ratings - 1).float() user_ids = batch['user_id'] user_item_ids = batch['user_item_id'][:, :self.num_pos].reshape(-1) self.u[user_item_ids] = (1-self.gamma0) * self.u[user_item_ids] + self.gamma0 * g.clone().detach_().reshape(-1) g_u = self.u[user_item_ids].reshape(batch_size, self.num_pos) nabla_f_g = (G * self.num_item) / ((torch.log2(1 + self.num_item*g_u))**2 * (1 + self.num_item*g_u) * np.log(2)) # \nabla f(g) if self.topk > 0: user_ids = user_ids.long() pos_preds_lambda_diffs = predictions[:, :self.num_pos].clone().detach_() - self.lambda_q[user_ids][:, None].to(device) preds_lambda_diffs = predictions.clone().detach_() - self.lambda_q[user_ids][:, None].to(device) # the gradient of lambda grad_lambda_q = self.topk/self.num_item + self.tau_2*self.lambda_q[user_ids] - torch.mean(torch.sigmoid( / self.tau_1), dim=-1) self.lambda_q[user_ids] = self.lambda_q[user_ids] - self.eta0 * grad_lambda_q if self.topk_version == 'prac': nabla_f_g *= torch.sigmoid(pos_preds_lambda_diffs * self.sigmoid_alpha) elif self.topk_version == 'theo': nabla_f_g *= torch.sigmoid(pos_preds_lambda_diffs * self.sigmoid_alpha) d_psi = torch.sigmoid(pos_preds_lambda_diffs * self.sigmoid_alpha) * (1 - torch.sigmoid(pos_preds_lambda_diffs * self.sigmoid_alpha)) f_g_u = -G / torch.log2(1 + self.num_item*g_u) # part 2 of eqn. (5) temp_term = torch.sigmoid(preds_lambda_diffs / self.tau_1) * (1 - torch.sigmoid(preds_lambda_diffs / self.tau_1)) / self.tau_1 L_lambda_hessian = self.tau_2 + torch.mean(temp_term, dim=1) # \nabla_{\lambda}^2 L_q in Eq. (5) in the paper self.s_q[user_ids] = self.gamma1 * + (1-self.gamma1) * self.s_q[user_ids] # line 10 in Algorithm 2 in the paper hessian_term = torch.mean(temp_term * predictions, dim=1) / self.s_q[user_ids].to(device) # \nabla_{\lambda,w}^2 L_q * s_q in Eq. (5) in the paper # based on eqn. (5) loss = (num_pos_items * torch.mean(nabla_f_g * g + d_psi * f_g_u * (predictions[:, :self.num_pos] - hessian_term[:, None]), dim=-1) / ideal_dcg).mean() return loss loss = (num_pos_items * torch.mean(nabla_f_g * g, dim=-1) / ideal_dcg).mean() return loss